Eike Holzkämper

Universität Bremen

The role of social networks for livelihood adaptation to environmental changes

In my research, I am investigating how natural resource users in different coastal regions of the world adapt their livelihoods when impacted by environmental changes. A tropical cyclone in Bangladesh, the local extinction of an important fishery species in India and the recent oil spill at the Brazilian coast are the empirical case studies I examine.
The lens through which I analyse reactions to and outcomes of livelihood-affecting environmental changes is social network analysis (SNA). SNA is a tool to examine the web of relations between social actors such as local communities, government, NGOs and businesses. I apply quantitative structural SNA as well as qualitative and participatory approaches to investigate the web of relations between social actors. By comparing structures of social networks and the contexts they are embedded in, I aim to develop a conceptual model of the role of social networks for adaptation to environmental changes.

  • social-ecological systems analysis
  • small-scale fisheries
  • environmental management
  • social network analysis

B.Sc. International Studies in Technical and Applied Biology, University of Applied Sciences Bremen (2007-2011)

M.Sc. International Studies in Aquatic Tropical Ecology, University of Bremen (2011-2017, parental leave included)

Doctoral candidate at University of Bremen and Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research since 2018

Thesis: Holzkämper, EM (2017): Comparing Realities. Analysis of Stakeholders’ Perceptions relating to the Governance Network of a MPA – the Case of the Coral Coast Environmental Protection Area, Brazil. Master’s Thesis, University of Bremen.

Silva-Cavalcanti, JS, Holzkämper, EM, Alves, LHB, and da Costa, MF (2017). Short-term patterns of shellfish exploitation by traditional estuarine fisheries. Global Ecology and Conservation, 12, 36-45.

2012 Holzkämper, EM (2012): Zukunft für die Tierwelt von Nord- und Ostsee. Ausführliche Begleitbroschüre zur BUND-Wanderausstellung “Eingetaucht – Vielfalt in unseren Meeren”. Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland (BUND) Landesverband Bremen e.V.

2010 Branzk, K, Holzkämper, EM and Pant, S (2010): Lust auf Ausland. Internationale Bachelor-Studiengänge. International Office, University of Applied Sciences Bremen.